Monday, July 26, 2010

Ok i haven't blogged in like 56 million years

so ima do it now :|:|


Today,i dropped my iphone and it shattered.FML

Bleep bloop daaaa

Maths test at 7.30....

It was bloody hard for a test with only two chapters =\

the first question was the hardest =\ i only managed to finish part a

chinese test after that


Mdm chng had some mad speed marking skills mon

We got back the test paper by the last two periods

which i aced in ! i got 39.5/50 which is a big deal cuz i usually fail chinese.badly
Rest of the day was pretty shizzy

I just came home and took a long nap :)

and finally my PC haz internetz !

Loads of movie to watch this week so ima study really hard for the upcoming tests and reward myself

friday skippin' band to watch the sorcerer's apprentice/The last airbender 3D with those people who dislike their CCAs

saturday inception and bloody pledge with the 3F peeps

Sunday some weird show i never heard about with my mom ...something tender grass old cow thingamajig??

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