Monday, August 2, 2010

School has been shizzy today

I got really injured due to hetao,caryn and ryan

Hetao cuz he was just bein' an ass whacking me =\

Caryn its cuz i messed with her a little bout timo

Ryan its cuz he picked a fight with me


Most severe injury comes from hetao =\

ima stay away from him at all times

And what's up with the me whacking waikin thing ?!?!

i didnt even get near him today

Speaking of waikin he was really emo today =\


Bleh don't wanna blog about my class anymore it just makes me kinda angry and pissed off

Anyway today was actually a pretty good day

I had fun during lessons :) (nerd alert nerd alert!)

Mom came home from china and bought loads of shizz

Some random chinese brand "iPad" which sucks to the core

and lots of other random shizz


So signin' out now !+|



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