Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Wowww its been a long day...

First went to school blah blah blah

was skipping rope for the thingamajig but i was helping 3F =\ skipped 162 in 3 minutes :)


Then there was the Dance thingy in the hall

Jun Qian = Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

++ the aussies were so cool especially that katyn girl

Class party


I was like the DJ or something playing songs for the parteh

PS the banana muffins were bloody awesome !!!


After school went back to Radin Mas

This year we were actually let into the school to roam about

All the teachers remember me :) so touched

The teachers were so awesome that they even laid out a buffet for all the ex radin masians

There was sushi, spaghetti ,pasta and other nice stuff :)


Went safra after that for pool

i basically got owned :(


Watched Grown ups after that it was bloody hilarious !

It was just completely random shizz that doesnt really make sense but yea its pure genius !

Although some scenes were kinda disturbing .eg the 4 year old *toot* *toot* (watch the damn movie yourself)

I'm totally pooped right now so ima go take a nap or just sleep till tomorrw


So goodbye :)

Try your best in everything you do before the final buzzer buzzes?(The only value the movie grown ups taught me)

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