Saturday, September 11, 2010

500th post B-)

So i totally forgotten to blog for the past few days....

Wednesday was the Junior band concert

Was the facilitator and it was pretty fun

ACJC is totally my dream school now cuz the school looks so aweshum !

All i did was slack though B-\

on thursday there was band.again.

It was ok before band ended

and amirul was being a douche...

so angry that i cried a little

So today is like the first official day of holiday where i'm relaxing ...although i'm living in denial cuz i have shizz loads of homework to do...

Mom's restaurant branch just officially opened and she's so busy that she doesnt have any time at all...

kinda sad...

Yea so thats pretty much it

Saw marathon after the exams anyone??

And and Happy Birthday Carissa once again B-) You the coolest girl out there ;-)


Only slept for like 2 hours yesterday so ima sleep till sunday

Peace out holmies

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